This Fusion 360 Parametric Screw digital file allows you to design custom screws using parameters that are made according to the UTS standard. The digital file provides a flexible and meticulously designed model for you to test your design accuracy. It is important to note that the model has not been tested for manufacturability. Therefore, it is up to you to make sure that the design meets your manufacturing requirements.
This is a great learning tool and it took me many hours of work to perfect and polish until I felt comfortable offering it on my store.
Fusion 360 Parametric Scre
- An image of the detailed ISO & UTS standard so you can understand the parameters that a screw consists of (Dmaj, Dp, Dmin, P, etc)
- A fully parametric design file in Fusion 360 for an imperial screw design (just import it into your account). Open the formula window to adjust the various parameters
- A rendering image of a final screw design (as an example)